Organizational Instructional Interventions in Bridging Skills Gap in Education
Organization, Interventions, Skill gap, Training, ProgramsAbstract
This analytical descriptive study was done to assess the effects of organizational interventions by learning institutions in bridging skills gap. The intervention activities were designed to develop information handling skills, Communication and presentation skills, planning and problem-solving skills, Social development skills, creativity and innovation skills, and entrepreneurial skills. A post-intervention evaluation was then done to assess the effectiveness of the interventions using 120 students as respondents. Analysis of data for pre and post intervention was statistically significant. This is an indication that organizational interventions in bridging the skill gap were effective. The findings showed that skill development can happen if institutions can be able to adopt appropriate strategies like the use of case studies networking, report writing, debates, speech contests, and allowing oral presentations. The study revealed that there is a need to change the behavior, attitude, and perception of educators in order to enhance change in terms of delivery. This study recommends that training programs should be revised to include skill development as part of lesson work in classrooms. Program planners should ensure that students, irrespective of module choice have a broadly similar experience of teaching and learning by establishing a set of agreed operational principles.References
Otara, A. (2020). Organizational instructional interventions in bridging skills gap in education. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 6(4), 588-598.
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